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Firefighting Personal Protection Fire fighter boots

date 2021-03-16     author: admin     view:1145

1) The product meets the standard of ga6-2004 "protective boots for firefighters".

(2) The material used for the inner liner and inner sole liner of the boot head is high-quality steel strip; the material used for the boot top and outer sole is natural rubber.

(3) The thickness of the inner liner of the boot head is greater than or equal to 1.8 mm; the thickness of the inner liner of the boot bottom is greater than or equal to 0.5 mm.

(4) Rubber surface, girth and sole: with physical and mechanical properties, oil resistance, sulfuric acid resistance and sodium hydroxide resistance.

(5) Anti smashing performance: static pressure 18.0 mm, impact 18.1 mm.

(6) Puncture resistance: 1524n.

(7) Electrical insulation performance: breakdown voltage > 5kV, leakage current 1.4ma.

(8) Heat insulation performance: 7.9 .

(9) Radiation resistance: 6.8 .

(10) Mass: 2.574kg.

Antiskid performance: > 15 °