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Internet of Vehicles Module

date 2018-09-01     author: wolfman     view:1777




For emergency, rescue vehicles, solo, equipment in preparation, degree of JieChuJing phase of the "health", in relation to the personal safety and the efficiency of emergency rescue of aid workers, "the command module vehicle networking" through a variety of high sensitivity sensor devices such as car key components of health perception, with the Internet of things technology of vehicle and the variety of rescue equipment, specifications, quantity, location and maintenance status timely warning, to ensure that the vehicles and vehicle equipment is always in good condition.The information of vehicles and equipment, vehicle driving track, videos along the rescue route and rescue scene, individual soldiers and rescue and backup forces are sent back to the command center and the commander's mobile phone in real time to realize a dynamic display of one platform and one picture.It provides practical visualization, standardization, digitization and dynamic decision-making basis for commanders at all levels, and realizes audio and video real-time communication, so as to achieve effective scheduling and powerful command. 

1. After receiving the alarm, provide on-site audio and video alarm information, optimal path push, rescue force distribution, carrying equipment, safety administrators, supervisors of fire units, personnel in fire control room, linkage force and other multimedia instruction lists to the mobile terminal of field commander.


2. To realize the audio and video communication between vehicles and vehicles, vehicles and individual soldiers, as well as between individual soldiers and vehicles and the command center and commander, and to solve the audio and video communication problems in the emergency rescue scene.


3, Equip with high sensitivity sensor, real-time back to the vehicle liquid level, vehicle gas device pressure and tire tire pressure, tire temperature, engine temperature, overspeed, overload alarm, to ensure the safety of vehicles and rescue personnel.


4, for more rescue vehicle equipment varieties, complex maintenance process such as the status quo, companies use the Internet of things technology, the on-board equipment of the varieties, specification, quantity, maintenance, such as location information to the onboard screen, and at the end of the vehicle before departure, rescue to remind the driver not carrying equipment name, quantity, to ensure that the items needed for emergency rescue is complete, realize rapid response for emergency rescue.


5. The wear degree of key parts of lift fire-fighting vehicles is related to the personal safety of rescuers and rescued personnel. The company develops a highly accurate flaw detector, and uses big data to analyze the wear degree of key parts to remind drivers of timely maintenance in real time.


6. After the end of the emergency rescue, the rescue personnel can play back the vehicle's driving track, speed, fuel consumption, driving habits, along the way and the rescue scene video, analyze the rescue process and summarize the experience of emergency rescue. 


7. After the rescue, the operation process can be restored through scientific analysis, research and comparison of the operation data through the information collection of the whole period of the operation to assist the evaluation and decision-making of the operation.
